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Internal Staff Users:
Please use your own institution login details. If you do not know your username/password, please contact your IT Helpdesk. If problems persist, report a login problem using the provided link. If you are still unable to log in, then please contact your corresponding Faculty office.Guru Examination System
The Guru Examination System is a system exclusively aimed at third-level institutions to manage the processes associated with examination papers and external review. Principal features include:
Examination Paper Submission and Flow Control: Guru drastically reduces the administrative workload for all individuals involved with the examination
paper process. Academics can submit examination papers remotely, from any location or device and receive external examiners reviews directly to their Inboxes. Local
academic office staff can process papers quickly, passing them for viewing to external examiners - no more envelopes or complicated digital setups!
External Examiner Interface: Guru provides a "one-stop shop" for all external examiner activities, including examination paper review, final report submission
and management of financial payment details. Having everything in one place, combined with a notification system provides a more streamlined user interface for external examiners.
Quality Enhancement: Guru enhances quality across a range of areas; by standardising and automating examination paper templates, by keeping permanent archives
of external examiner reviews/reports and responses, by improving the quality of the final paper presented to students, by providing proper accessible digital archives
to students with impairments and many more.
Paper Security: Guru eliminates the risk of lost courier packages and ensures that all examination papers only have the absolute minimum number of users
interacting with them. Full audit trails are in place to show every user who has viewed or interacted with examination papers. Digital security is ensured through
strong encryption approaches, combined with best practice models such as Two-Factor Authentication.